Sunday, September 4, 2022

Nature in Motion… Time for Renewal

Several dancers in orange or brown tunics, in a  position of "abandon", leg in attitude back, arms extended, head thrown back Anthony Pepitone

Dance Visions NY presents "Nature in Motion… Time for Renewal"
Free concert at the beautiful theater overlooking Long Island Sound. For admission, contact Dance Visions NY at to be put on a reservation list and for parking and/or transportation info. Great Neck is a 35 minute LIRR ride from Penn Station, Manhattan.
“Summer in full-throated ease and season of mists and mellow fruitfulness” John Keats
Dance Visions NY is delighted to present a unique program this summer for Steppingstone Waterside Theater’s Live at Five series. The company will be presenting premieres for this concert, as well as company favorites. The theme of this timely concert is remembering and honoring the joy and beauty of our natural world and encouraging this awareness to resurface in these difficult times.
The concert repertory of contemporary and classical works, including Isadora Duncan dances of nature, is tailored specifically for the beautiful waterside setting  with both dance and music related to themes of Earth, Water, Wind and Fire. Dancers include Emily Butero, Cathleen Deutscher, Abigail Dias, Chiemi Ip, Hope Kroog and Susan Small along with Artistic Director and choreographer Beth Jucovy. Joining the company for this program will be singers Airlea Deutscher and James Sweeney, a family duo, in operatic pieces and folk/rock classics with several of these works expressed through both art forms.
Also included in the concert will be an original work, performed by local, primarily senior dancers, who will be part of a new local initiative of the company.

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