Saturday, October 5, 2019

NimbusPRESENTS: OFFLINE Thrive, Curated by Arthur Avilés

NimbusPRESENTS: OFFLINE Thrive Saturday, October 5th, 2019 Joe Velez - Acid Test Photography

NimbusPRESENTS: OFFLINE, now entering its fourth year, is a series of curated performances presenting the work of emerging to mid-career choreographers from the New Jersey/New York area and beyond. Designed to address the limited amount of space available for the creation and performance of new dance in Jersey City, OFFLINE provides audiences and artists the opportunity to have intimate and meaningful exchanges.


Linda Ryan (Liryan Movement)

Gina Montalto (GM and Dancers)

Wyckoff Collective

Tina Wang

Tayfun Zaidi

October 5th, 2019 8 pm
Purchase Tickets HERE
Group Discounts Available. Please contact for more information.

Guest Curator Arthur Aviles (Artistic Director of BAAD! The Bronx Academy of Arts and Dance and formerly of Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane Dance Company) notes on the upcoming October 5th program :

The acclaimed activist and writer Audre Lorde self identified as a black, lesbian, mother, warrior, poet and dedicated her life to confronting and addressing injustices of racism, sexism, classism, and homophobia. BAAD! The Bronx Academy of Arts and Dance has taken inspiration from Lorde for NimbusPRESENTS: OFFLINE, and we hold the mission of presenting work that empowers women, people of color, and the LGBTQ community. We recognize that the stage is a powerful platform to shine a light on the Jersey City community, make visible the invisible, and recognize the multitudinous ways of existing in this world.

We recognize the change that results from programs that privilege underrepresented voices, bodies, ideas, cultures the vital power of visibility. Being visible, vocal and present expands the narratives of who we are as women, people of color, and queer people, and the change is seen from the passing of Marriage Equality, to the LGBTQ and disability-inclusive curriculum bill, to a young person feeling inspired to shed the shame of being queer or poor and create a work that expresses their self-value.

Artists persistently create in the realm of possibilities and offer their communities and the world ways to live, to think, to co-exist and thrive. Though we have made progress it remains urgent to continue to respond to a pressing need in the world, in the Bronx, in New Jersey, in Jersey City, especially when oppressive rhetoric by national leaders regains a platform.

NimbusPRESENTS: OFFLINE Thrive offers a welcoming space to create, explore, experiment, consume, and share creative content that empowers women, people of color, and the LGBTQ community. Empowerment comes in many different forms and so too does the work we make to communicate ideas.

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