June, 5-19, 2023


Eilish lays on a wooden floor half covered with a tree branch Kristen W. Bartley


in-person + sold as a 3-class series*
$55 - 15% off! early bird special until May 26
$60 - regular price starting May 27
INSTRUCTOR: Eilish Henderson

Monday, June 5 @ 6pm - 8pm
Monday, June 12 @ 6pm - 8pm
Monday, June 19 @ 6pm - 8pm

This 3-week class series will investigate our attachments to objects found and collected as they become partners, sharing movement with us. Through writing, introspective authentic improvisational experiences, and interacting with objects, we will develop an inquiry of how we relate to these objects through dance. Visceral responses, storytelling, and personal history will come into our lens as we interact with collections of objects, both individually and collectively. Whether navigating them as a curatorial arrangement in the space, or physically involving them in our movement process, these objects will direct our dances as we unravel our intimate connections or aversions to them.

*This is sold as a 3-class series with a start date of June 5th. There is no individual class purchase available.

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