April 21 - December 17, 2020


Photo of Danielle Lima N/A

Join Ailey Extension on Zoom for a virtual Samba class with Danielle Lima each Tuesday and Thursday at 7:30pm!

This class is designed for dancers to learn, and/or improve their Samba no pé technique (footwork), exploring Samba's cultural essence - its roots, without losing their self-expression on the process. The class starts with a gentle warm-up that includes isolations, basic postures, and a stretching routine aimed at improving flexibility and balance. We will work samba no pé, arm styling and posture through challenging drills and fun routines.
Danielle Lima's Samba class style is influenced by her performance experience in Beija- flor Samba school, and other dance styles she had studied and performed throughout her career. Dance styles, such as Samba de gafieira, dança-Afro, modern and jazz.

Register for class on MindBody

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La Mama in association with Chen Dance Center presents H.T. Chen & Dancers January 24-26

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