Saturday, September 26, 2020

On The House

On The House artist information, dates and times, zoom information, and logo: a simple upside down house

On The House: freeskewl Teaching Artists Performance Series!

Join freeskewl for a new virtual performance series, On The House, on the fourth Saturday of each month. Each evening will feature 3-5 works by freeskewl teaching artists.

August 29 at 7:00pm EDT:
Amelia Uzategui Bonilla + Juan Urbina, Nicole Bindler, Kate Seethaler, Marion Spencer

September 26 at 7:00pm EDT:
Audre Wirtanen, Amal Rogers, Ellie Goudie-Averill + Tori Lawrence

October 24 at 7:00pm EDT:
x, Laura Tuthall, Ogemdi Ude, Irene Hsi

Suggested ticket price for each event is $4-50. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. If you can, consider sponsoring a ticket for someone in need by simply doubling your payment. Income collected by 11:59pm on the night of the performance will be evenly split between artists.
Venmo: @freeskewl
Zoom Link:
Zoom password: 640262

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A Black woman is arching back with her arms creating a v. She is wearing a black short sleeve tee shirt with a long black skirt. Here skin is the color of amber & her natural hair is black with golden brown highlights.


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There are two different photos taken by Elyse Mertz: the left photo is from The ChoreoJoey Project & the right photo is Janet Aisawa & Osamu Uehara/Ai Dance Theater.

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