June 26 - July 3, 2020

One Body, One Career Countertechnique Intensive (OBOC)

Photo of Countertechnique dancer Photo by Pippa Samaya

Springboard Danse Montréal is proud to co-present....
Countertechnique returns to Montréal 22 June – 4 July 2020, and registration is now OPEN! // Le Countertechnique revient à Montréal du 22 juin au 4 juillet 2020, et l’inscription est maintenant ouverte!

Last year’s program was such a success that Springboard is proud to co-present the One Body, One Career Countertechnique Intensive (OBOC) in Montréal for the second time.
Working for twelve days with Countertechnique Founder and former Chunky Move Artistic Director Anouk van Dijk, Senior Countertechnique Teacher Niharika Senapati, Alexander Technique expert Tom Koch and Countertechnique Teachers Joy Davis and Kira Blazek Ziaii, OBOC Montréal offers a wealth of information to both first time and returning participants. Co-presenting OBOC fits aligns with Springboard’s mission of serving dancers at all stages of their careers and prioritizing physical and mental health. // Le programme de l’an dernier a connu un tel succès que Springboard est très fier de co-présenter pour la deuxième fois le programme One Body, One Career Countertechnique Intensive (OBOC) à Montréal.
Pendant douze jours, en collaboration avec Anouk van Dijk, fondatrice de Countertechnique et ancienne directrice artistique de Chunky Move, Niharika Senapati, maître enseignante au Countertechnique, Tom Koch, expert de la technique et méthode Alexander, et Joy Davis et Kira Blazek Ziaii, enseignantes au Countertechnique, OBOC Montréal offre une large panoplie d’enseignements aux nouveaux et aux anciens participants. La co-présentation d’OBOC s’inscrit dans la mission de Springboard pour soutenir les danseurs à chaque étape de leur carrière et de faire de la santé physique et mentale une priorité.

Applications now open! Just head on over to our website to apply // L’inscription est maintenant ouverte ! Visitez notre site internet pour postuler >> https://www.springboarddansemontreal.com/countertechnique/

#onebodyonecareer #oboc #countertechnique #springboardmtl #partnership

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A dancer in a black tutu and leotard and pointe shoes stands on one leg, with the other leg extended behind the body in a straight line. One arm is raised above the head and the other extended to the back parallel to the extended leg. The school director is opposite the dancer and wears a red DTH logo t-shirt and black pants and ballet slippers. She holds the hand of the arm raised above the dancer’s head with one arm and her back arm is extended and she is smiling at the student.


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A dancer in a black tutu and leotard and pointe shoes stands on one leg, with the other leg extended behind the body in a straight line. One arm is raised above the head and the other extended to the back parallel to the extended leg. The school director is opposite the dancer and wears a red DTH logo t-shirt and black pants and ballet slippers. She holds the hand of the arm raised above the dancer’s head with one arm and her back arm is extended and she is smiling at the student.

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