April 30 - May 21, 2020

Online Bartenieff Fundamentals Improvisation classes

Christy Funsch photo by Noah Lewis Noah Lewis

Christy Funsch facilitates a playful improvisation class series structured on Irmgard Bartenieff’s Principles and Fundamentals. Each class offers a stand-alone experience of full body connectivity and expressivity, and in total the four classes offer an experiential dive into Body, Effort, Shape, and Space. Highlighting self-care, this series supports individual and collective physical conditioning and movement artistry. Appropriate for all levels and for those familiar (or not!) with BF and LMA. Each workshop class is 75 minutes: one hour of continuous moving and ten minutes for questions and discussion. Take one class or all four! All sales are final, so please make sure you can attend before you register. If you have questions please email Claire Baum, Program Manager, at office@labaninstitute.org

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A Black woman is arching back with her arms creating a v. She is wearing a black short sleeve tee shirt with a long black skirt. Here skin is the color of amber & her natural hair is black with golden brown highlights.


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There are two different photos taken by Elyse Mertz: the left photo is from The ChoreoJoey Project & the right photo is Janet Aisawa & Osamu Uehara/Ai Dance Theater.

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