January 24 - February 28, 2025

Open Adult Classes & February Events!

Logo for Amanda Selwy Dance Studio, text over an image of a dance studio

We are thrilled to announce new dance classes beginning at Amanda Selwyn Dance Studio located at 412 Broadway (at Canal). Join us for a wide range of classes, including Open Company Class, Yoga, Graham/Modern, Latin Dance Fundamentals, Jazz, Ballet, Contemporary & Indian Fusion, and more!


February Guest Artists & Events:

February 5, 6pm - Live Music & Yoga Flow with Sheri Celentano & Johnny Holleran

February 14, 6pm - Valentine’s Day Sizzle, Open Level Salsa (bring a friend for free!)

February 20, 2pm - Contemporary Partnering with Michelle Thompson Ulerich & Caleb Patterson


Recurring Classes:

Open Company Class with Manon Hallay and Ashley McQueen | Tuesdays & Thursdays 

Desi Flow: Contemporary & Indian Fusion with Rohan Bhargava | Tuesdays

Yoga with Amanda Selwyn | Wednesdays

Graham/Modern with Vera Paganin | Thursdays

Ballet Fundamentals (Open Level) with Manon Hallay | Thursdays

Latin Dance Fundamentals with Angelica Rodriguez  | Thursdays


Professional dancer discounts available. 

For more information regarding class schedules and pricing, please visit amandaselwyndancestudio.org

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