Monday, January 7, 2019

Open Spectrum: A Brilliant Darkness - A Conversation with Artists on Mental Health

A photo collage of (going Clock-wise): Caits Meissner, Dior Vargas, and Open Spectrum description and Sydney Magruder Washington

In looking at mental and emotional health through the lens of the arts community, this Open Spectrum discussion the impact of anxiety, depression, and similar issues on the artist, their work, and their communities.

The forum will also acknowledge the stigma that surrounds mental health issues, the impact of political and socio-cultural factors on one’s psychological well being, and the need for self care, empowerment, and acceptance.

Moderated by Latina feminist mental health activist Dior Vargas, the panel will include multidisciplinary artist A'Driane Nieves aka addyeB, poet/artist/cultural worker Caits Meissner, writer / photojournalist Loubna Mrie, and professional ballerina/mental health advocate/singer Sydney Magruder Washington. The forum is curated by culture creator/marketing strategist Brian Tate.

New York Live Arts’ Open Spectrum Community Dialogue Series provides space for reflection on the most vital issues facing communities today. Open Spectrum offers an intimate conversational platform founded on the belief that cultural institutions can and should be catalysts for societal transformation by participating in a world of ideas.

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