January 12 - February 9, 2021

Peridance Online: Emergent Improvisation with Troy Ogilvie

Peridance Online: Emergent Improvisation with Troy Ogilvie

Open Emergent Improvisation dances the fractal relationship between self and the world. A fractal relationship acknowledges that, as Adrienne Maree Brown (author of Emergent Strategy) writes, “how we are at the small scale is how we are at the large scale.” One way for large scale change to occur, is to imagine and embody change in the small scale, in our bodies.
What kind of future do we want to live in? Let’s practice it now.
Through an ever-expanding aesthetic lens originally shaped by her work with Sidra Bell, Punchdrunk, Gallim Dance, Susan Misner, and Margie Gillis, Troy facilitates the healing, curious, playful, weird, meditative, joyful, awkward, and cathartic movements that emerge during class – allowing space for digestion, observation, and release.

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