May, 2-9, 2022

Physical Listening LAB - Begin Monday and continue weekly.

Physical Listening LAB - Begin Monday and continue weekly.

Physical Listening LAB - Begin Monday and continue weekly.


PHYSICAL LISTENING - We venture into the space between words where our embodied intelligence takes center stage, beyond naming. Embodied Explorations for Curious Humans
A somatic practice that sharpens our noticing and creative decision-making skills.
Physical Listening LABs return in May - A deep-dive into rigor and play.

You are invited to join us, registration is currently open. The Equus Projects are exploring a three-series format to dig deeper into a single concept for three sessions and create a sense of community within a group.

Day: Mondays
Time: 4 pm - 6 pm EST
Where: Virtually on Zoom.
Zoom link and payment link will be sent out every week.

This weeks zoom link:

This LAB is OPEN LEVEL for curious minds and thinkers.

Each class explores a central inquiry through somatic experiences, 

guided improvisations, doodling, journal writing, movement making and group brainstorming.



121 W. 17th, 4B New York, NY 10011



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