Monday, June 3, 2024

Prelude in the Parks: Performances for the Planet

Daniel Fetecua Soto Christopher Jones

PRELUDE IN THE PARKS: PERFORMANCES FOR THE PLANET, city-wide, three day pop-up festival of environmental art-works by artists addressing environmental & climate change issues presents:

Pajarillo Pinta'o in "Dance in Connection: Indigenous, Afro & Contemporary dances to bring us closer to Mother Earth," presented by  ID Studio Theater and Daniel Fetecua Soto.  

Pajarillo Pinta'o Dance Company will perform traditional and contemporary dance works based on Colombian dances and their connection to Mother Earth, exploring indigenous influences in today's culture and the reconstruction of the MUISCA language—Mysk Kubun, lost for over 400 years and now being revitalized. This language originates from the Andes Mountains. Additionally, the company will showcase dances influenced by the African diaspora along Colombia's Pacific coast.


ID Studio Theater, based in the South Bronx, advances the artistic and social development of immigrant communities through innovative work in the performing arts. The troupe unites artistic excellence with social justice, developing new artistic works through a deeply collaborative workshop process with diverse Latine community members, utilizing the performing arts as a foundation for catalyzing community awareness, collective action and inter-community dialogue. In the past 20 years, IDS has developed over 25 bilingual theater and music productions within immigrant communities throughout NYC and beyond.


Daniel Fetecua Soto is a New York-based Colombian dancer, choreographer, educator and producer. A soloist member of the Limón Dance Company for ten years and has appeared as guest artist in Pina Bausch's Rite of Spring and Tannhäuser.  He is the founder and artistic director of two dance companies: Pajarillo Pinta'o, a dance company that preserves and promotes the Colombian traditional dances through dance performance, workshops and classes, and D-Moves, a contemporary dance project that combines Colombian traditions, Modern Dance and German Tanz-Theater. 


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