October 6 - November 24, 2020

Professional Development for the People! Virtual Course

Four Black femmes in colorful dresses hold hands and form a line from a statue of Harriet Tubman pointing into the distance. ShocPhoto

Professional Development for the People!

Tuesdays 5:30-8:30PM
October 6 - November 24

Applications close September 15

Professional Development for the People! (PD for the People!) is a 7-week online course that shares SLMDances’ praxis of self-development, community building, artistic practice steeped in strategic vision, decolonized organization building, and the embodiment of our collective values: HUMANITY, DREAMING, COMMUNITY, TRANSPARENCY, LEARNING, and ACTIVISM. 

In the midst of the pandemic and the calling out of racism within the dance/arts/culture industries, the calls for organizations with more equitable and transparent systems and practices that values whole people at the intersection of all their identities is at the forefront. This is work that SLMDances has been cultivating since our inception and we are excited to share our practices with a broader community. 

We will offer to you the creative works, stories, and resources that have supported our journey to creating a values-centered, mission-oriented collective in which leadership and labor is shared, and artists feel whole, valued, and cared for. Our practices offer tenacity in artistic, cultural, and movement organizing work. We are sharing our *magic* with you! 

This course is for you if you are an artist, organizer, educator, cultural worker, or other related practitioner who is deepening and re-imagining your leadership practice.

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