Thursday, April 10, 2025


Evie Ladin sits holding a banjo in front of Keith Terry who stands behind  holding a Cello

Body Music is the oldest music on the planet - beyond body percussion, we include melody and harmony in the music the body makes. There are many traditional Body Musics in the world, from African-American Hambone and Flamenco Palmas to Sumatran Saman and Ethiopian Armpit music. BODY MUSIC is an effective way of internalizing and understanding rhythmic work, enhancing one’s sense of time, timing, phrasing, independence, coordination and ensemble awareness. It is a useful tool for musicians, dancers and movers of all kinds -- anyone interested in deepening their rhythmic and harmonic skills. Using the oldest instrument on the planet -- your own human body -- we clap, slap, snap, step and vocalize our way through some very fun and funky, original and traditional rhythmic music. Sessions involve skill building, rhythmic independence and coordination, physical multitasking, basic joint mechanics lessons with a good dose of play and improvisation - in harmony and time.

Keith Terry and Evie Ladin are co-founders of the International Body Music Festival, exploring the language of body music from culture to culture, and have worked with Axis Syllabus teacher Nuria Bowart for 20 years in Body Music ensembles such as Corposonic and MoToR/dance, from their home base in Oakland, California.

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