Thursday, October 5, 2023

SEASON IV "An Evening of New Classics"

Several cut out images of a ballerina create an outline in a field of light purple artwork, Text reads "SMDT SEASON IV" Jay Crempa with Artwork and Design by Lauren Woods

Supported by the Queens Art Fund, join us for live music, multi-media art, and a debut of a new ballet by Artistic Director Billy Blanken. The evening will conclude with a new site-specific performance incorporating dance, animation, and digital projection of artwork by Lauren Woods. The one-night-only event produced by 10Kproductions will be a conversation of media in a digitally altered space. 

Choreography by BILLY BLANKEN | Costumes by SABRINA PRETTO | Lighting and Production Design by 10KPRODUCTIONS | Artwork, Animation and Concept by  LAUREN WOODS ART | Original Score by BRADLEY HARRIS MUSIC | Live Music by MOLLY ARONSON.

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