Friday, December 5, 2014
Company: Movement Research Fall Festival
Venue: Danspace Project
Location: New York, NY
Malin Arnell with musician KOEFF and additional 12 guests
First, the non human: electricity.
A tragedy of the commons, / arising only in the doing
Affects create a field of force that does not tend to congeal into subjectivity.
; I equate affect with materiality, / Hungry for wildness, / is a two-way-street
The intimacy between being and following: /called “clownish traits”.
; I am always slightly surprised by what I do. / The melting of cause and effect,
this includes (among others) efficiency, trajectory, and causality.
But just what kind of activity is this? / A dynamics of spreading cracks
An irrational love, / that is not the realization of a plan.
Movement Research Fall Festival
131 E. 10th St.
New York, NY, 10003
$15 General
December 5, 2014: 8:00pm