June, 4-10, 2018

SUMMER | MODULE18 with Sidra Bell Dance New York

SUMMER | MODULE18 with Sidra Bell Dance New York Umi Akiyoshi Photography

SUMMER | MODULE18 www.sidrabelldanceny.org/module
MONDAY-SUNDAY 10am-4:30pm (includes Sunday Showing from 2-4pm)
REQUIRED MATERIALS: Submit resume, headshot, video sample, required application fee of $20

DESCRIPTION: Award winning bi-annual incubator laboratory for advanced and professional artists in New York City with the critically acclaimed Sidra Bell Dance New York, inviting them into the intimate creative culture of the company. Artists will have the opportunity to interface with the artistic director through 38 hours of laboratory work and dialogues to deepen their approach to the material and its unique methodology.

SUBJECT MATTER: method, phrasing, collective ear, creative modeling, patient practice, constructivism, deconstructivism, systems, coaching, modes, dialogue, ephemeral language, receptive points, process, macro/micro visioning, drafting, illustration, stakeholders, our work, remembering, dismantling, repeating, creative communities, scoring, other bodies, futureforms, infinite research

*Video must demonstrate high level technique and improvisational skills. Acting experience is beneficial. Open to advanced and professional artists.a??

April 6, 2018: Application Materials with non-refundable application processing fee ($20)
April 13, 2018: Notification of Acceptance
April 27, 2018 1st non-refundable deposit due ($225)
May 11, 2018: 2nd deposit due (225 balance)

2nd deposit non-refundable after May 25, 2018
Total: $450 + $20 Application Fee ($470)

NOTE: Application fee & 1st deposit are non-refundable. 2nd deposit is non-refundable after May 25, 2018. Housing and transportation are not included. All fees must be submitted via PayPal below.
CPR - Center For Performance Research
361 Manhattan Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11211
For further information email: module@sidrabelldanceny.org

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5 dancers against a black background with haze


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5 dancers against a black background with haze

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