Wednesday, September 2, 2020

SURGE: Panel Discussion

Three dancers facing front and back standing on the beach at low tide. Ernie Galan

Boston Dance Theater kicks-off its new virtual series of events on September 2, 2020 on Zoom. Join guests Gloria Benedikt (Arts+Science Program Director, International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis Vienna), Dr. Larry J. Pratt (Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), Space for Action (Edmar Colon, Peter Godart, Tiandra Ray), and Jessie Jeanne Stinnett (Founder, Boston Dance Theater) as they consider the topic: Why should the arts work with science to achieve sustainability and what actions are currently being taken? Moderated by David Henry (Former Bill T. Jones Director/Curator of Performing Arts, Institute of Contemporary Art Boston).

FREE ADMISSION, must RSVP in advance. To learn more and register, visit

SURGE is an online event that serves a dual function: to fundraise for the continuation of BDT’s Sea-Level Rise Project, and to expand our dialogue with like-minded individuals whose work and interests straddle the realms of art+science and environmental sustainability. To make a tax-deductible gift please visit:

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