June 30 - July 1, 2023


New Chamber Ballet New Chamber Ballet

Miro Magloire's New Chamber Ballet rturns to the Mark Morris Dance Center, June 30 & July 1, with Magloire's 2021 "Sea." a set to music by Richard Carrick, current Chair of Composition at Berklee.  The lyrical quintet is a tour-de-force of concentration and stamina, as the women perform the entire hour-long piece as an ensemble - dancing as a group in overlapping patterns and trading the lead roles every few moments.  Dancers are Anabel Alpert, Megan Foley, Nicole McGinnis, Amber Neff, and Rachele Perla.  As always in New Chamber Ballet performances, music is live and performed by violinist Doori Na and pianist Melody Fader.

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