Saturday, September 11, 2021 - Saturday, January 29, 2022
Seeking an Experienced Ballet Teacher
Company: Secret Theatre Academy
Venue: The Secret Theatre Academy
Location: Woodside, NY

We are seeing an experienced ballet teacher for young students who would like to help us create a brand new program. We opened a new 44' x 12' studio in Sunnyside with 32' feet of mirrors. Wooden floor, air conditioning, and beautiful facilities in an area packed with cafés, stores which is very close to the 7 train stop at 52nd. The date and time ranges are subject to mutual discussion but initially, we are thinking of offering classes on Mon-Wed afternoons and on Weekends. However, this program will grow and has the potential for a lot more dates. We pay industry-standard rates for classes but this opportunity will come with bonuses for helping to create the program.
Secret Theatre Academy
50-12 Skilman Ave
Woodside, NY, 11377
718 433 9030
September 11, 2021: 9:00am
September 18, 2021: 9:00am
September 25, 2021: 9:00am
October 2, 2021: 9:00am
October 9, 2021: 9:00am