August, 2-6, 2010
Shen Wei Dance Arts Workshop
Company: Shen Wei at Peridance
Venue: Peridance Capezio Center
Location: New York, NY
A unique opportunity to work with founding member Sara Procopio and Kate Jewett, Director of Outreach. Shen Wei Dance Arts, known for its distinct interdisciplinary cross-cultural style, fuses together theater, Chinese opera and visual art. Please visit the Peridance website for further details.
Shen Wei at Peridance
126 East 13th Street
New York, NY, 10003
August 2, 2010: 3:00pm
August 3, 2010: 3:00pm
August 4, 2010: 3:00pm
August 5, 2010: 3:00pm
August 6, 2010: 3:00pm