Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Silent Snow Ball

woman dancing with headphones

Kick off the holiday season with a socially distant outdoor silent dance party, featuring a different DJ each week on Tuesdays during lunchtime. Take a break from your daily routine, join us via Mixlr (an app that broadcasts live audio) on your own device and headphones, and dance your heart out! Socially distanced ground markers will provide a place for you to dance safely in Zuccotti Park. Grab a holiday treat after you enjoy the music.

This event takes place Tuesdays from 12:30-1:30pm from December 1-15.

DJ Lineup:

DEC 1: DJ Jon Blak


DEC 15: DJ TiffStarr

JOIN US ON MIXLR – AND LISTEN ANYWHERE!  https://mixlr.com/silentsnowball

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