March 8 - April 12, 2011
Solea with Manton Workshop
Learn how to dance with a shawl with Sol La Argentinita. Solea is one of the basic pillars of flamenco dance and is a very solemn dance that is very appropriate for bailaores (female flamenco dancers). Tuesdays 6-7:30pm, $120 prepaid 6 sessions, $25 drop-in.
Lotus Music & Dance
109 West 27th Street 8th Floor
New York, NY, 10001
March 8, 2011: 6:00pm
March 15, 2011: 6:00pm
March 22, 2011: 6:00pm
March 29, 2011: 6:00pm
April 5, 2011: 6:00pm
April 12, 2011: 6:00pm