June, 26-27, 2021


Four colored squares with dancers suspended in varied ballet and contemporary dance movements Liz Schneider-Cohen

Movement Headquarters presents the World Premiere of Solo-stice. This theatre-in-the-round dance performance honors the annual change in seasons by evoking memories of everybody's favorite summertime rituals. With brand new choreography by Artistic Director Barry Kerollis and a diverse playlist of music, a cast of 6 fully vaccinated dancers will give 3 in-person performances on Saturday, June 26 (7:30 pm) & Sunday, June 27 (6 & 8 pm) in the iconic Ballet Arts studio at City Center in Midtown Manhattan. All shows are limited to 40 ticketed attendees.

In celebration of our first live performances since 2020, we are throwing a Beach Party Bash benefit immediately following opening night. All tickets to the June 26 show include access to this hour-long gala event. Guests will enjoy live entertainment, silent auction, a signature cocktail, and tasty treats made by our very own personal chef. Cocktail beach party attire is encouraged! 

Come celebrate the return of summer with us!

Ticket Costs: Saturday, June 26th - $80 (includes Show & Indoor Beach Bash) - Sunday, June 27th $40 (Show only)

(All food/drink prepared with COVID safety measure in mind - please note when purchasing tickets if you require vegan/vegetarian food options)

Inquires to: info@movementhqballet.org

Website: movementhqballet.org

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