May, 5-8, 2016

Song and Dance

Song and Dance

SONG & DANCE follows a dysfunctional band of vaudeville performers as they attempt to put on a show in a world that is all too short on time, money, and interest. Choreographer Andrew Harper takes creative cues from these limitations to build a unique and richly detailed world stocked with contemporary reincarnations of classic vaudevillian acts: a cut-throat sister act, a soulful troubadour, a child star on the verge of womanhood, a magician running out of tricks, and a lonely ventriloquist with his absent dummy.

Harper and his troupe use the vaudeville show experience as a framework to examine their own experiences as performers and to explore the lines where backstage meets onstage, rehearsed meets improvised, and performer meets person.

SONG & DANCE gives the audience a look inside the minds of the characters as their pressures, successes, failures, joys, pains, dreams, and fears leave the wings and take the stage for the first time. That's where the show really begins!

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