July, 12-14, 2019

Spaces of Fontana Summer Intensive


SPACES OF FONTANA SUMMER INTENSIVE --- REGISTER at spacesoffontana.com/summerintensive

Spend a weekend moving and creating with Artistic Director, Evelyn Joy Hoelscher and her dancers in our first ever Summer Intensive!

JULY 12-14th
10 am to 2 pm
Topaz Arts

You will get a chance to see our creative process first hand, work on your partnering & improv skills AND warm-up each morning with some yoga.

Each day will be focused on connection to self and others through movement and intention. We will dive into an intentional exploration of our work through improvisation, partnering and floorwork. Each participant will be given the opportunity to experience our choreographic process first hand in our afternoon workshops and further develop their own voice in our different types of movement.


10:00 am to 12:00 pm -  MIND-BODY MOVEMENT LAB
12:00 pm to 12:30 pm - Lunch/Break
12:30 pm to 3:00 pm - EXPLORATION OF SoF REPERTORY

**Recommend to bring your own lunch/snacks

MIND-BODY MOVEMENT LAB - A yoga-influenced approach to contemporary improvisation and partnering.


$175 - FULL 3 day intensive
$60 - SINGLE 5 hour day
$30 - HALF day

Interested? Sign-up by filling out the SIGN-UP form and submitting your PAYMENT.



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