September, 4-7, 2013

Dusan Tynek Dance Theatre celebrates its 10th anniversary with a program that includes two world premieres, Stereopsis and Romanesco Suite, and one acclaimed repertory work Base Pairs (2010). These three compelling dances freshly examine the confluence of science and mythology. Choreographer Dusan Tynek (called by The New York Times - an undoubted talent, a choreographer who seems fascinated by movement itself and the strange, subtle ways in which it communicates strange, subtle things- has been widely acclaimed for his striking blend of theatricality and musicality. In this program, he relies less on traditional musical instruments to explore rhythms - percussive sounds, mating calls of cicadas, and amplified footfall, breathing, and speech emanating from the dancers themselves - orchestrated in collaboration with sound designer Dave Ruder. The program also features original texts by Cynthia Polutanovich read by dance legend Lucinda Childs.
Dusan Tynek Dance Theatre
321 Ashland Place
Brooklyn, NY, 11217
September 4, 2013: 7:30pm
September 5, 2013: 7:30pm
September 6, 2013: 7:30pm
September 7, 2013: 7:30pm