Sunday, November 16, 2014

Sunday Process Lab with Niall Jones

This Sunday Process Lab will be wide in its reach, but we will talk about whatever seems relevant to whomever shows up, and we will dance to propose spaces of possibility. This lab will distend the limits of presence and place to destabilize the poetics embedded in desire, form, and subjectivity. Through performing improvisational structures and compositional assemblages, accessing the excesses of fantasy, abstraction, and the structures of multiplicity, the lab becomes a thinking site, an unsettled site. This is where we can imagine other ways of being, collectively and choreographically.

I moved to New York from Virginia, my birthplace. While being here, wherever here happens to be, my work in dance and ever-morphing understanding of dance has been formed and destroyed and rebuilt by my relationships, inside and outside of this field. I have danced with Emily Wexler, Jennifer Monson, Leslie Cuyjet, Ishmael Houston-Jones, Tere O'Connor, Courtney Cooke, and Regina Rocke. Currently, I'm reading Samuel Delany and thinking about the erotically disruptive nature of repetition and pleasure.

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