August, 5-6, 2016
HEWMAN’s third evening-length performance installation, THIS IS NOTHING WITHOUT YOU, is our response to the question, “How do we make the audience as necessary to the performance as the performers themselves?”
HEWMAN’s cofounders began with an experiment to choreograph independently of one another, each exploring what is private versus public within performance. We then entrusted theater director Jordan Geiger with the task of filtering our individual compositions through his non-dance eye, and arranging them into one coherent whole. His process became an investigation of how the presence of outside perspectives changes the way we see ourselves and others. After a yearlong collaboration, the result is a play on perspective and persona that is constructed the same way you will experience it - from the outside looking in. It's not enough to be there, you must also see and be seen. How is up to you.
Jason Collins, James Lindsay Harwell, Ingrid Kapteyn
Theater Director: Jordan Geiger
Composer/Percussionist: Andrew Funcheon
Costume Designer/Performer: Victoria Bek
Performer: Caitlin Taylor
Set Designer: Joanna DeFelice
130 Thames Street Bushwick
Brooklyn, NY, 11237
413 320 6480
August 5, 2016: 8:00pm
August 6, 2016: 8:00pm