March, 17-18, 2017

Take Root presents mishiDance and Sans Limites Dance

Photo of Dances from two companies Photo Credits: Sharon Harsa and Susanne McHugh

Take Root presents mishiDance and Sans Limites Dance

mishiDance: Alongside existing works Standing Still | Still Standing and H(a)unted, mishiDance presents a new work that explores the simultaneously isolated and shared experience of commuting. Inspired by the heavily structured poetry form of villanelles, Standing Still | Still Standing follows one woman's journey to create new identity after coping with loss. H(a)unted, described as "a raw and emotional journey" by Dance Examiner, explores how the different types of ghosts we encounter throughout our lives, literal and figurative, manifest themselves to haunt us.

Sans Limites Dance: in my end is my beginning, choreographed by Diana Pettersen of Sans Limites Dance, continuously grapples with gravity: fighting against it, giving into it, becoming over-powered by it, and, almost inconceivably, re-emerging from it. Resulting explorations of balance and unbalance conjure the physical, mental, and emotional challenges of contending with life's highs and lows. The piece concludes with a harrowing, yet precious solo by a figure that seems to have successfully emerged, for at least a short moment, from the grip of gravity. Shakily, but surely achieving self-possession, this figure embodies ungainliness with an unearthly grace.

March 17 & 18, 2017 at 8pm
Admission: $15
Green Space Studio
37-24 24th Street, #301
Long Island City, NY 11101

Tickets are available at the door or online at

Take Root is a monthly curated series that supports dance makers by providing an opportunity to show a half evening work paired with another artist.

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5 dancers against a black background with haze


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5 dancers against a black background with haze

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