Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The Art & Science of Asking: An Interactive Workshop

87% of all charitable gifts come from individuals and the largest come from in-person asks. Yet many staff - and most volunteers - haven't been trained to ask comfortably and effectively. Join Asking Matters President Brian Saber and arts fundraisers in all performance disciplines for this interactive 4-hour workshop based on his revolutionary concept of the Asking Styles. He'll cover everything from how to choose the best prospects - or work best with those you have - to how to make the strongest case for support, set up meetings and solicit gifts. You'll walk away with a whole toolkit of concepts you can apply immediately to raise more money and get your board members and other volunteers to partner with you.

Brian Saber has been a frontline fundraiser for more than 30 years. As president of Asking Matters he trains staff and volunteers around the country and presents at national conferences such as AFP International, Boys & Girls Clubs of America, Prevent Child Abuse America, and the National Association of YMCA Development Officers. His first book, "Asking Styles: Revolutionize Your Fundraising," was released in July.

Register ($75) by September 14:

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