March 11 - May 6, 2019

The Mini Sessions at Peridance

The Mini Sessions - Professional Level Class

The Mini Sessions is a weekly class geared towards the professional dance community. Through this initiative, Peridance will offer a discounted class rate of $15 for a two hour class. Esteemed faculty will rotate every few weeks and will be updated on our website.

This class is meant as a safe space to play with limits and make mistakes. In our work together we strive for full physical expression with a focus on fluidity, musicality, and intellectual engagement. By using dynamic range, weight and focus we will find a way into the moving body. Class begins with a cardio and/or floor based warm-up coupled with exercises meant to get us moving in multiple directions, styles, and in and out of the floor with ease. Yoga-infused lengthening to find our alignment and breath are built into this progression to bolster an efficient, safe and anatomically focused practice. We conclude with a cumulative combination that incorporates skills practiced in class and draws from a cultural palette including post-modern release, hip hop, and capoeira among other forms. Striving for a balance between a rigorous technical/physical practice and emotional/ intellectual investment in movement material aids in cultivating our inner performer and full-bodied self.

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