Sunday, September 14, 2014 - Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Underscore

The Underscore

(2nd Sundays of each month)

SUN 5-8pm

$10 suggested donation

Facilitated by Zena Bibler, Julie Goldberg, Chisa Hidaka, Elise Knudson, Lucy Mahler, Charles Mosey and Brandin Steffensen. The Underscore is a long-form dance improvisation structure developed by Nancy Stark Smith and practiced worldwide. The form includes Contact Improvisation and allows for a full spectrum of physical forms and changing states, often including periods of quiet internal activity and other times of higher energy and interactive dancing. The Underscore’s undirected practice affords simultaneously a framework for research, a forum for play, and an opportunity to experience collective improvised composition. Open to all, familiarity with CI and the Underscore suggested. To familiarize new participants, Underscore NYC offers “talk throughs” to introduce the language, glyphs and structures of the Underscore. Stay from start to finish.

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La Mama in association with Chen Dance Center presents H.T. Chen & Dancers January 24-26

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