April, 26-27, 2018

Thea Little's Extraordinarily Inverse World Premiere at CPR - Center for Performance Research

photo by Brian Pacelli Brian Pacelli

Thea Little's Extraordinarily Inverse
World Premiere at CPR - Center for Performance Research

April 26th & 27th 7:30PM

Center for Performance Research (CPR)
361 Manhattan Avenue | Unit 1, Brooklyn, New York 11211


Conceived, Directed, and Composed by Thea Little

Performers and Collaborators: Emily Aiken, Dot Armstrong, Sayoko Kojima, Lindsey (Lou) Mandolini, Katherine Norton-Bliss, Christiana Roberts, Lea Torelli
Understudy: Meredith Mulligan

Dramaturge and Sculptor: Niki Singleton

Poet: Julie Bentson


Thea Little and seven distinctive dancers in Extraordinarily Inverse explore the boundaries of dance, theater and opera by overlapping exquisite movement, learned atonal songs, a secret language of 300 physical-vocal gestures accumulated over time, and text from the assertive to the absurd. The performers use these four elements to communicate while maneuvering through community and individualism, harmony and dissonance, and understanding and confusion while assessing decisions around their goals and ambitions. The surrounding questions remain: does their coded language unite them or cause more chaos? When and how do they choose ambitious actions that are thoughtful and not hurting others or do they satisfy their egos and selfishness to satisfy themselves only? Are the latter actions, a reflection of themselves or rather a comment on our corrupt society? The characters of Extraordinarily Inverse navigate what it means to communicate from contrasting points of view, with many various harmonious and conflicting intentions, and through calling upon the knowledge of what it means to be a being voyaging the terrain of listening, being heard, and creating together through communal conversation.


Event Links and Tickets: 

BPT: https://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/3379860

CPRNYC: http://www.cprnyc.org/events/extraordinarily-inverse/

FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/2047357502170082/

Additional Information:




Photo Credit: Brian Pacelli

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