October, 5-6, 2019

Triskelion Arts Presents Treeline Dance Works

Solo dancer stands on a rocky beach. Treeline Dance Works

Triskelion Arts’ Presents features Treeline Dance Works from Saturday, October 5-Sunday, October 6, 2019 in the Muriel Schulman Theater at 8:00 PM.

Treeline Dance Works is a Chicago and New York City-based contemporary dance co-op. The company honors the artistic voices of its multiple collaborators through joint investment in movement research. Its newest evening-length choreography entitled In the belly of a crane / our secrets rest explores the proximity between cooperative patterns found in nature and forms of relationality in performance. In doing so, the work questions how the responsive action of many can imagine new worlds. Grass. Cranes. Water. Clouds. Performers transform the theater into a portal where intimate exchanges take place and time unfolds in a dreamy haze.

“These [performers] are not only capable of great feats of agility, but also of an honest connectedness to each other on stage” - idanz.net


$18 in advance / $22 at the door

Purchase tickets at https://treelinedanceworks.eventbrite.com/


Treeline Dance Works

Saturday, October 5-Sunday, October 6, 2019

Muriel Schulman Theater

106 Calyer Street

Brooklyn, NY


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