Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Tushrik Fredericks || The pLayground NYC


Tushrik Fredericks



Wednesday, 06/01 || 4:00-6:00pm, $6


Gibney Dance: Agnes Varis Performing Arts Center, 280 Broadway, NYC
Entrance 53A Chambers Street


The Playground NYC allows dancers to experience various choreographic styles and ideas, engage with a new community of dancers, and gather resourceful information and inspiration from the array of choreographers involved. In turn, established choreographers are paid for their creative investigations, are given free space to explore new movement with professional dancers, and are provided with the opportunity to establish relationships with new dancers and fellow choreographers.  


Class description:

The class has a guided 25-35min warm-up which draws inspiration from yoga, ballet, cardio and isolations while approaching the entire class as a meditation with self and others in the space. The class then goes into learning movement from material that I am currently working on in my own creative practice with giving the dancers tools and knowledge towards bringing themselves towards dancing somebody else's choreography.

"Dance is also my form of prayer, and oftentimes, I’m praying for a world that is more inclusive, sincere, and generous." - Tushrik Fredericks



TUSHRIK FREDERICKS recipient of Princess Grace Award in 2021 is originally from Johannesburg, South Africa but is currently living in New York City. Growing up he specifically found himself drawn towards the style ‘KRUMP‘. He graduated from the Peridance Capezio Center Certificate Program in NYC in June 2015 where he received most of his training. He has had the opportunity to work with Ate9 dANCEcOMPANY (Danielle Agami, Artistic Director) and Sidra Bell Dance New York. He is now working with TRIBE (artistic director/founder Shamel Pitts). Tushrik was an assistant lecturer to Sidra Bell at The University of the Arts Philadelphia for Sophomore students (2016-2018). In May 2021 Tushrik received 3rd prize for dance at the SoloTanz Festival in Stuttgart for his self choreographed solo '(territory) of the heart' and in November 2021 Tushrik toured the solo to 7 different cities in Germany as part of the SoloTanz Festival.


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