July, 5-17, 2021

VALLETO Summer Intensive + Performance Project!

The summer intensive schedule breakdown for our two week intensive!

VALLETO will be in New York July for a 2 week-long intensive and performance project. Come be a part of VALLETO's creative process!

This intensive is an opportunity for dancers to return to dance in a safe and mindful way. Intermediate and advanced dancers from all over the globe are welcome to apply. It is led by Valeria Gonzalez, and guest emerging international choreographers, and guest speakers. Students will be trained in techniques such as, Contemporary, Floorwork and Improvisation. See our schedule below! 

Week 1: July 5th-9th

Week 2: July 12th-16th

Informal Showing: July 17th
Total Cost: $650

Cost for one week: $325

Drop in classes: $20 (special exceptions, see details on website)

Locations: NY Live Arts (intensive) and TBD for Performance Project

Apply Here: https://valletodance.com/intensives

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