Thursday, June 3, 2021

Virtual Salon Performance Series for Social Change 2020-21

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Mark DeGarmo Dance broadcasts its transcultural transdisciplinary Virtual Salon Performance Series for Social Change to a New York City, national, and international audience on Zoom with performances featuring performing artists Anabella Lenzu (Argentina; NYC, USA), Barbara Mahler (NYC, USA), and Seema Viswanath (India; North Carolina, USA) on Thursday, June 3rd at 7PM ET. Tickets on Eventbrite. Each performance includes opportunities for the public to talk with the artists, curated and facilitated by Mark DeGarmo.


Founded in 2010, MDD's Salon Performance Series for Social Change provides a curated opportunity to view and engage with original dance and movement works-in-progress of guest artists. The 2019-20 season featured 51 NYC, USA, and global artists/performers in 9 salons, the final 3 of which were held virtually on Zoom. The 2020-21 January to June monthly series was 100% virtual.


Mark DeGarmo Dance recognizes the impact of COVID-19 on New York City, U.S., and international artists and their communities. MDD is committed to offering innovative and supportive opportunities for performing artists to network, share, and develop their work. Through its curatorial choices, MDD connects the embodied imaginations of a global community.


Mark DeGarmo curates the series and facilitates audience response during each salon. DeGarmo guides discourse among the artists and audience members. MDD’s objective is to demystify the process of creating dance and to encourage members of the general public to actively participate in the development of original works-in-progress. And to increase their understanding of dance as an accessible and enjoyable transcultural-transdisciplinary art form.


MDD’s April Edition of the Virtual Salon Performance Series premiered on Thursday, April 1st, 2021 and featured artists from England, Haiti, Malaysia, Mexico, and the USA. The recorded version of the program is available to rent by donation on Eventbrite at:

Tickets by Self-Selected Donation:



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