Friday, July 12, 2019

Vogue/Stretch Workshop with Legendary Father Renaldo Maurice Tisci

 Ailey dancer and legendary Father Renaldo Maurice Tisci

Celebrated Ailey dancer and legendary Father Renaldo Maurice Tisci will lead dancers of all levels and backgrounds through the basics of vogue in this culturally rich and stylized workshop.

Unifying both worlds, Renaldo will incorporate the technique of ballet, Horton, West African and Jazz into his vogue language and movement style.

Renaldo is an active ballroom participant of the NY/NJ legendary Father Of The Impeccable Haus of Tisci.

Gaining mainstream exposure through documentary film "Paris is Burning" and embraced by pop superstar song and video "Vogue" by Madonna in 1990, vogue culture continues to inspire artists today with Vogue Houses performing the style across the world. All levels are welcomed.

Find out more about Mr. Maurice on Facebook at Maurice Gardner and Instagram @r_maurice25

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