Monday, December 30, 2019 - Sunday, January 5, 2020

WINTER | MODULE20: Immersive Laboratory with Sidra Bell Dance New York in NYC

WINTER | MODULE20: Immersive Laboratory with Sidra Bell Dance New York Umi Akiyoshi Photography

Award–winning biannual research and incubator laboratory that engages with Sidra Bell Dance New York’s intimate creative culture.

Where: CPR – Center for Performance Research, New York City (United States)

When: December 30, 2019 – January 5, 2020

Deadline for applications: November 1, 2019

Award winning bi-annual research laboratory for advanced and professional artists in New York City a space to interface and incubate with the critically acclaimed Sidra Bell Dance New York. The project invites them into the intimate creative culture of the company and asks them to commit to creative stakeholding. Artists have the opportunity to dialogue and research with the artistic director through 38 hours of laboratory work and dialogues to deepen their approach to the material and its unique methodology.

To apply,submit resume, headshot, video sample, required application fee of $20
*Video must demonstrate high level technique and improvisational skills. Acting experience is beneficial. Open to advanced and professional artists.a??
Apply at:

Costs for participants: $450

Contact details:

For further information, please visit

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