Monday, January 2, 2023

Winter Intensive Live in Alicante

RMB Winter Intensive in Alicante (2-8 January)

From the 2nd to the 8th of January 2023 the Russian Masters Ballet Intensive will take place in Alicante following the Vaganova Methodology with a comprehensive curriculum developed and taught by the most emblematic representatives of the best institutions in the field of professional ballet.

Russian Masters Ballet was created in 2014 by the National Association of Professional Ballet located in Spain with the aim of providing access to elite training. We organize international courses whose results continue to prove that with hard and constant work even the most difficult goals can be achieved. 

For this New Year we present our Winter Intensive, an opportunity to start the year 2023 learning from the best teachers. It is a special occasion to resume classes after the Christmas holidays in a special atmosphere, full of young dance enthusiasts. In addition, this intensive includes the possibility of auditioning for the summer intensives, as well as the possibility of obtaining scholarships for them. It will be held in Alicante, a wonderful city to visit at any time of the year, bathed by the Mediterranean Sea. Classes will include subjects such as ballet class, pointe and men's technique, repertoire, gymnastics, character and contemporary.

Among the teachers confirmed to teach the subjects are some big names such as:

Larissa Lezhnina: legendary ballerina graduated from the Vaganova Academy, later graduated as a teacher from the same academy. Former Mariinsky soloist and principal dancer of the Dutch National Ballet in Amsterdam. Currently, principal tutor of the Dutch National Ballet.
Asiya Lukmanova: director of RMB, graduate teacher at the Vaganova Academy and former soloist at the St. Petersburg Ballet Theatre.
Olga Pavlova: graduate teacher and graduate of the Bolshoi Academy and former soloist dancer and graduate of the Perm School of Professional Ballet.
Anton Valdbauer: experienced contemporary dance choreographer, former soloist dancer at the Dutch National Ballet and the Royal Swedish Ballet.

Within the philosophy of our courses is to create a special experience for our students. For this reason, we invite the great stars of today's ballet so that our students can meet them and learn from them personally. This Christmas season we are happy to welcome the incredible Yolanda Correa, world ballet star and principal dancer of the Berlin State Ballet.

To access the course the student will have to pass an audition through a video that will be sent before 23 November. To register for the course please fill in the REGISTRATION FORM.

For further information please contact us or visit our WEBSITE.

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Contact telephone +34 609 816 395 

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