March 4 - May 27, 2021

Yoga with Margherita Tisato

Yoga in white black letters overlaid on a photo of Margherita doing a yoga pose.

Margherita TIsato teaches Yoga every Thursday at 10AM EST!

Class Price: $13. $11 when you register 3 weeks out!

For more information and Full Schedule go to

Class Description: Flow-based yoga classes rooted in anatomical exploration and curiosity for movement and individual experience.
We usually start on the floor, with some somatic meditation and exploration of patterns or ideas for movement and we will then take those ideas into bigger movement with options to explore complex and demanding poses or to stay within a more quiet and gentle frame.
All my classes are led in a Trauma-Informed way, with ample opportunities to explore freely within (or without) the container offered by the theme. 

Teacher Bio: I see myself as a movement practitioner and a seeker of somatic wisdom and integration.
My mission in sharing information and experiences with others is to soften the dichotomy between body and mind, to investigate visceral sensations in order to create emotional resilience, through the main mediums of embodiment, curiosity, and dialogue.
I facilitate a range of movement experiences spanning from Trauma-Informed yoga and somatic movement to dance, Butoh, and body suspension; my educational offerings include experiential workshops in anatomy, pain science, embodiment, and trauma theory. I draw from decades of studies in dance, Butoh, yoga, somatic and developmental movement, meditation, anatomy and kinesiology, shibari and flesh hook suspension, and my offerings are informed by all my practices and interests, including seemingly less embodied practices such as poetry, metaphors, neuroscience, and music.
I am also a performer whose work aims at letting audiences into my process through shared intentions and vulnerability, often in intimate settings where the journey through emotions and heightened senses takes the foreground over mastery.

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