June, 3-24, 2017

by wing, fin, hoof or foot

Whats the difference between human beings and animals? Valentin Peter Eisele

by wing, fin, hoof, or foot is a socially responsive piece of physical-theatre that uses the simplicity and
reliability of migrating animals to explore the complex and fluctuating rules of immigration,
representation, private narratives of public spaces and vice versa. Tension and unity are collapsed and
expanded at the points where these migrations intersect. This piece is directed by Producing Artistic
Director Keelie Sheridan and is collaboration between The Ume Group and scenic/costume designer
Valentin Peter Eisele.
The 2016-2017 Ume Group Ensemble & Guest Artists are Angela BilkiA?, Annie McCoy, Brantley Ivey,
Clara Kundin, Efrén Sánchez, Fiamma Piacentini, Jennifer Marinelli, Jorge Luna, Keelie Sheridan, Laura
Aristovulos, Miles Butler, Raphael Anastas, Robin Dill, Rui Dun, Sammy DeSimone and Yokko.

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5 dancers against a black background with haze


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5 dancers against a black background with haze

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