October, 27-29, 2014

johannes wieland | the invincible loser workshop Ill

johannes wieland | the invincible loser workshop Ill johannes wieland

i am a loser, and you, you're a loser too. then along comes this day - it makes you invincible. but you're still a loser. the only thing left to do is to make your way to new york to participate in a workshop with first-rate-loser johannes wieland which includes a warm-up with specialloser evangelos poulinas. be prepared for physical and mental exhaustion, being turned inside out and upside down with improvisation, movement and text.



this workshop is by invitation only (the group is limited to around 25 participants)


date: 27th - 29th october 2014


time: 12am - 4pm  (monday/tuesday) / 10am - 2pm (wednesday)


place: Mark Morris studios | new york, USA


fee: 240 dollars


how to apply: send us a short bio, a picture and, if you have one to share, a video link. put everything on one page and email it to the invincible loser office at



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A photo of dancers lifting another up in the air in a studio of a Summer MELT workshop. There is a standing lamp off to one corner as the lifted dancer reaches up in the air. Photo by Rachel Keane.


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