May, 1-4, 2019

junkhead by Alex Romania


by Alex Romania
Wednesday – Saturday, May 1 – 4 @ 8pm

a meandering duet with a ghost
a jumbled entire of unused words with(out) meaning
a delightful empty …and culture! in a cube
Joe-the-you talk a big piece of text
someone wiggling their tongue
about tomorrow’s
disappearing act
of government brain and plunger orchestra
grotesque supernovas of the brain
devouring the cost
you will consume us
but not everybody’s doing this meat grinder
oh junkhead of incomprehensible die it
give up now before you become a crayon drawing of yourself. 
The second work in Whoops, the Trilogy, a triptych on the sick state of the American psyche. junkhead is the residue of creator Alex Romania’s personal intersections with incomprehensible states of sickness. Speech, video, sound, and action form a chaos meditation of thought memes contemplating the psychosis of governance as delusional capitalist suicidal ideation as egomaniacal death worship as parasitic zombie whiteness as the spacetime emoji continuum of mediareality loops of apocalypse nostalgia. junkhead is overload with hopes beyond the body (of)
Created and performed by Alex Romania in collaboration with Max Abeles, Malcolm-X Betts, Maira Duarte, Marc Mosteirin.
Alex Romania makes multidisciplinary work at the crux of expansive task and deteriorating form, investigating bodies of cultural debris amidst the invisible everyday and toxic ingestions. Romania’s work delves into spaces of the unimaginable, staring into the unknown to consider a crude and splendid humanity, embracing the unruly to liberate the governed body. Based in NYC, Romania has presented work and taught nationally and internationally – most recently at Abrons Arts Center (NYC), Segundo Piso (Puebla, MX), Human Resources (LA), Encuentro (Lima, Peru), UV Estudios (Buenos Aires, Argentina), the Pillsbury House (Minneapolis), the Center for Performance Research (NYC), and el Museo del Arte Contemporáneo (Lima). Romania has performed in works by Kathy Westwater, Catherine Galasso, Andy de Groat, Eddie Peake, Simone Forti, and designed video for works by Antonio Ramos and Pepper Fajans. Romania is currently an artist in residence with Movement Research and Brooklyn Studios for Dance.

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