Sunday, April 13, 2014


measure Santi Leveling Fotografia

The latest work of DanceAction will be presented at the Green Space for Green Space Blooms. Click here for more information about Green Space Blooms.

measure is the missing part of a dance work made in three parts that explores movement blindfolded, its possibilities and meanings. While exploring different situations wearing or not a blindfold, performers play a board game of actions over the platform of a dance piece. “To make a blindfold, measure the size of your head” is a sort of puzzle where the pieces can be arranged in a different way each time according to certain rules of execution. 

Choreography: Carmen Caceres in collaboration with the performers
Performance: Anthony Rosado, Carmen Caceres, Paige Brigante, Roma Koolen, & Samsam Yung
Original Music: Juan Pablo Rosado & Juan Sebastián Vasallo

Click here for more information about DanceAction.

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