August, 10-11, 2012


Influenced by the orchestra of life, RAKIA! and the Pia Monique Murray Dance Collective (PMMDC) present apeep!a at The Tank. apeep!a is about the exploration of human relationships, offering voyeuristic insight to things that would otherwise be unseen. "We not only welcome voyeurism, we encourage it,a states Pia Murray, Founder and Artistic Director of PMMDC. Featured performances include New Works "PUNCH" (RAKIA!), "Down the Line" (PMMDC) and PMMDC classic, "Dollhouse." With a movement vocabulary inspired by boxing, highway sobriety tests and vogueing, PUNCH lives in the ether, between college graduation and "adulthood." Offering no answers, it asks all the right questions about Intimacy, Love, Trust and Release. DOWN THE LINE dissects the idiosyncrasies of New York City public transportation culture by exploring the relationships between straphangers, squatters, environments and circumstances.

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5 dancers against a black background with haze


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5 dancers against a black background with haze

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