March 30 - April 5, 2020

reJOYCE - online season

reJoyce Photo of Lauren Twomley in "Mazurkas", by

Join us for a 7-day reIMAGINATION honoring Limón Dance Company’s NYC Season! Our virtual season will take place March 30 - Aril 5 through LIMÓN LIVE on Instagram @limondance. We will reINVENT the 2020 Joyce Season to be experienced from any location around the world, with LIVE classes and celebratory posts blending the past and present. In addition, the celebration will include a special LIVE event each day to honor the work that would have been seen LIVE. We will introduce you to the artists that were involved in creating the entire program, dissecting the works from many angles. reJOYCE 2020 will give you access to the inner workings of the world of José Limón in present time. A time to reJOYCE!

LIMÓN LIVE SCHEDULE on Instagram @limondance

Monday 3/30 | OPENING RECEPTION at 6:00PM ET

Tuesday 3/31 | “MAZURKAS " at 7:30PM ET

Wednesday 4/1 | “ORFEO” at 7:30PM ET

Thursday 4/2 | “THE TRAITOR” at7:30PM ET

Friday 4/3 | LIMÓNLAUNCH at 7:30PM ET

Saturday 4/4 | COLLABORATORS at 6:00PM ET (*7:30PM ET COCKTAIL HOUR)

Sunday 4/5 | “THE FUTURE” at 2:00PM ET

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