June 7 - October 4, 2018

she sang like she was crying

she sang like she was crying Andy Ribner Photography

Aimee Plauche & Performers Present
she sang like she was crying

Thursday, October 4, 7:30 PM

TICKETS: https://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/3613486
$20 in advance
$25 at the door

The Muriel Schulman Theater at Triskelion Arts in Greenpoint

A raucous dance experience seeking to capture the space in which joy and grief coexist and challenge the social permissions restricting the presentation of women and female people. Wearing simply street clothes and on a bare stage, the dancers offer raw physicality, humanity, and the spirit of rock & roll.
Choreographed and conceived by Aimee Plauche in collaboration with the dancers.
Performed by Lauren Burke, Molly Gorin, Kimberly Murry, Morgan Siegfriedt, Ashley Yehoda, and Aimee Plauche.

she sang like she was crying is sponsored, in part, by the Greater New York Arts Development Fund of the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, administered by Brooklyn Arts Council (BAC)

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5 dancers against a black background with haze

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