10,000 Messages to Albany -We need YOUR Help!

Monday, April 19, 2010

10,000 Messages to Albany -We need YOUR Help!

We are almost there!
Let's get 10,000 messages to Albany.

The budget negotiations in Albany are moving slowly. Very slowly. The Senate and Assembly are about $3.2 Billion apart in closing the $9.2 Billion budget deficit.

This is OUR time to send emails to our legislators. It is simple. It takes two minutes....or

In the budget resolutions, the Senate restored $3.25 million or 50% of the $6.5 million cut to NYSCA local assistance (grants) funding proposed by the Governor. The Assembly restored $1.6 million or 25% of the cut proposed by the Governor.

Send a message to your Senator AND your Assembly person.

Send our legislators the following message:
1) To your Senator: Thank you for your support. Please be vigilant and make sure that the 50% restoration of $3.250 million to NYSCA local assistance is maintained.

2) To your Assembly members: Please increase the restoration from 25% or $1.6 million to 50% or $3.250 million, matching the Senate support of NYSCA local assistance funding.

This is THE time to make our voices heard. Numbers can and do change in the final hours. Send your message NOW.

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